I was treated by two doctors who were unable to give me any relief. I was lead by the spirit to call a friend who lived in the building with the head of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital and was able to perform surgery on my back and relieve the pain. Many things happened during this period of illness; I was blessed to meet Rev. Dann who anointed and prayed for me and let know that God would bring me through . One day I was sitting at my computer and a paper cross fell from nowhere and on the cross was written “I am making everything new) Rev. 24:5, so many other signs to let me know that God was with me. I entered the hospital with expectation that I would gain new health, new vitality and be completely renewed. I recognize that the surgeon, nurse are agents of God. I thank God for being near, and I relaxed in His care.Today I am brand new just like He promised. I thank God for you Rev. Dann, may God continue to bless all that you do in His name.